News & Commentary

v57 firmware update


Firmware update

We've recently been made aware of an interesting bug in the firmware that could cause some transactions to not parse correctly.

Here's an exchange I had with one of our users (who had a parsing problem) detailing the technical aspects of the bug:

In pretty much all Bitcoin transactions I’ve seen, no-one ever uses a feature called “transaction lock time” - but it appears 4 of your 5 inputs DO use this feature!

general format (inside a block) of each input of a transaction - Txin

Field Description Size
Previous Transaction hash doubled SHA256-hashed of a (previous) to-be-used transaction 32 bytes
Previous Txout-index non negative integer indexing an output of the to-be-used transaction 4 bytes
Txin-script length non negative integer VI = VarInt 1 - 9 bytes
Txin-script / scriptSig Script <in-script length>-many bytes
sequence_no normally 0xFFFFFFFF; irrelevant unless transaction's lock_time is > 0 4 bytes

version 01 00 00 00
input count 01
input previous output hash
48 4d 40 d4 5b 9e a0 d6 52 fc a8 25 8a b7 ca a4 25 41 eb 52 97 58 57 f9 6f b5 0c d7 32 c8 b4 81
previous output index 00 00 00 00
script length 8a
scriptSig 47 30 44 02 20 2c b2 65 bf 10 70 7b f4 93 46 c3 51 5d d3 d1 6f c4 54 61 8c 58 ec 0a 0f f4 48 a6 76 c5 4f f7 13 02 20 6c 66 24 d7 62 a1 fc ef 46 18 28 4e ad 8f 08 67 8a c0 5b 13 c8 42 35 f1 65 4e 6a d1 68 23 3e 82 01 41 04 14 e3 01 b2 32 8f 17 44 2c 0b 83 10 d7 87 bf 3d 8a 40 4c fb d0 70 4f 13 5b 6a d4 b2 d3 ee 75 13 10 f9 81 92 6e 53 a6 e8 c3 9b d7 d3 fe fd 57 6c 54 3c ce 49 3c ba c0 63 88 f2 65 1d 1a ac bf cd
sequence ff ff ff ff
output count 01
output value 62 64 01 00 00 00 00 00
script length 19
scriptPubKey 76 a9 14 c8 e9 09 96 c7 c6 08 0e e0 62 84 60 0c 68 4e d9 04 d1 4c 5c 88 ac
block lock time 00 00 00 00
All transactions I’ve used before have the standard sequence value of FFFFFFFF and block lock time of 00000000
However, your input transactions (the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th) have something else [this is the #2 input for example]:
01 00 00 00
06 00 00 00
fe ff ff ff     <——————————NORMALLY FF FF FF FF
29 66 03 00 00 00 00 00
76 a9 14 08853c0973f75b3e8b8cfece99b8488fb3848786 88 ac
72 5c 06 00  <—————————— NORMALLY 00 00 00 00

This bug has been fixed, and the v57 firmware will be uploaded shortly to our support page.

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